Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Alright guys, looks like I am going to take a shot at this again and try to get on a regular schedule of updating you on our life and the crazy schedule I am now living ;) 

I have recently taken on a new adventure of Beachbody and yes, I know you are all thinking really Sara! I have really found something though that I enjoy doing and I LOVE helping people to become healthier and also allowing my family to become healthier together. I have worked out more in the last year that I have I think since high school, which is still not near enough! I plan on getting back into a routine once I heal from my hysterectomy I just had last Thursday. I should be good to go in a couple of weeks and will start walking next week and then getting back to my 30 day program of Insanity Asylum so I can get the results that I WANT! I am also enjoying a new supplement called Shakeology that is so good for you and such a yummy treat. I am not doing a quick fix diet but I am allowing my body to change for the better and include my family in our journey to better health. If you want to look into what we are doing together check it out at www.shakeology.com/saraschule of you can look at the workout options plus so much more at www.beachbodycoach.com/saraschulze.

Our schedules are getting back together this week also with Maddie starting KINDERGARTEN! I know can you believe our baby girl is at school. Next week Pax will be returning to Garber for 5 days a week of 3 year old preschool and the girls and I will get some extra bonding time. Don't forgot though I love to volunteer and help out so I am excited to be helping at Maddie's school now and will be allowing the girls some much needed time away from mom at Playdate (we all love Playdate).  Between all of that Pax will also continue speech two days a week and also OT (occupational therapy) one day a week. Maddie has also decided that she wants to take a shot at dance so she will be enjoying dance one night a week. Our schedules will be crazy and I will be turning into a taxi but would not change a thing.

Hope you are all enjoying your new school year and keep us up to date on what your lives are up to. 

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Maddie eating her pizza, notice her smile/food in her cheeks! :)
Pax saying "cheese" look at all the slobber on his shirt! Pretty sure he is teething; ugh

Hi Daddy! We wanted to keep you updated with what we are doing so thought this was the best way! Today we went and looked a really cool house with Tarin in base and then had lunch over there. Afterwards Maddie took a great nap and Pax slept a whoppping 20 mins! Seriously :( So then we went to Lowes and picked out some paint so Mommy has something to do at night, since she is all alone :( We are gonna take a bath soon and are really missing you!!!!!! Love you daddy

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Pool

So we caved in and got the kids this really neat pool. We decided it would entertain the kids at Pax's birthday party along with Maddie's jump castle (she got for her birthday). The kids love the pool and the neighbors enjoyed it with us yesterday too. This was the first time Pax actually went into a pool that was not bath water temp and he enjoyed himself so much!!!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Well we had grandma Kim and great-grandma Dorothy here to visit for the weekend and enjoyed every minute of it. Maddie and Pax were so excited to see grandma and great-grandma. We just hung out and viewed the area while playing as much as possible. Can't wait to see grandma again in September and to have Grandpa come as well!!!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Misty and Regan's Trip

Misty and Regan came out to visit us for a girls weekend, plus Pax of course. We had so much fun together and the girls had a blast just hanging out together. We did things such as paint pottery, go to the aquarium, the beach, shopping and of course just hanging out. We love having family and friend come visit!


Well, where to start! Thought I would make a blog so everyone can stay updated on how we are doing and how big the kids are getting.

First, Jason: He is in San Diego right now completing SERE school and I am sure NOT enjoying himself! He also has lyme disease and is hopefully getting better as the days go on.

Madyson: She is two now and things she is pretty big stuff. She is talking as though she is an adult and things she can do anything. She loves her brother and enjoys going to wake him up after his naps.

Paxson: Our big man is almost 1! He seems to have allergies to milk so we will be experimenting with Silk and pray it works. He is crawling everywhere but still not talking at all! He is a total paci boy and will crawl all over looking for one.

We are doing great though and enjoying North Carolina. We just had Misty and Regan out here visiting and had so much FUN! Maddie keeps talking about how Regan went bye-bye. My mom and gma Weiser are coming out on Thursday though to spend the weekend so we are looking forward to that. Some day I will post pictures of our house when it is completed and up to picture taking status.

All for now!